Volvo Incorporates Skype in Vehicles
Volvo, the Swedish premium car maker, announced that they will introduce Skype for Business to their new 90 Series vehicles. Microsoft’s leading collaborative productivity app is the first to be featured in a car.
We all know what it’s like to sit in a car and not be able to join a conference call that is imperative to be on. Phones don’t always connect correctly, or information passed down the pipeline is incorrect. Most importantly, all attention should be focused on driving. Skype is used by millions of people each day for not only personal use, but for business use as well. In all of Volvo’s 90 Series cars, people will be able to view their upcoming meetings and participant details via a click of a single button.
This represents a major step in technology and in-car connectivity for those that need an alternative method of communicating. Not only should someone be productive in the office, but remotely if desired or needed. Volvo is making a statement by making their customers’ lives easier and safer by using the technology available.
Volvo’s partnership with Microsoft also allows them to explore the use of Cortana, the personal assistant for Microsoft, and adding voice recognition and contextual insights to support the busy schedules of those driving.
In-car communication is something extremely important and necessary for those that are on the road a lot. Volvo understands the need and the importance of making life easier for people, but also making sure that safety and precautionary measures are taken at all times.