The Wabash Lights
If you’re familiar with Chicago, then you know all about the El. In the heart of the Loop lies Wabash Street, between Madison and Adams – and let’s be honest, it’s kind of sketch over there. However, designers Jack Newell and Seth Unger, came up with the idea to install LED light tubes underneath the El tracks from Madison Street and Adams into a bright public art display. This would help boost tourism, making the area more safe to walk through at night and obviously, it would be awesome to walk through it and see the different color lights.
The installation of the LED lights will include over 4,000 tubes, which can display an infinite number of color schemes and patterns. These lights will transform the iconic city infrastructure into a canvas for an awesome interactive experience. As of right now, the two designers are setting up a Kickstarter fund to do “the beta test” for the lights. Currently, they just received approval to test some of the lights to troubleshoot design, infrastructure and to see how the vibrations of the El trains will affect the installation. Also – as we all know, Chicago has some crazy weather, so they need to attest for those drastic changes as well.
Being easily programmable and infinitely customizable, the Wabash Lights will be user-friendly via a website or mobile app that you can download straight to your phone. This is a fun and creative way to boost Chicago pride and foster a safe and comfortable environment for those visiting the city or to the residents that live here. This is an underutilized space in Chicago and can be used as a resource for art, culture and business.
We can’t wait to see the debut of The Wabash Lights on October 29th – with the final lights being installed next summer. To read more and to donate to the fund, please click here.