Netflix 3D Printed Documentary ‘Print the Legend’        

Netflix’s 3D Printing Documentary Will Be Released Next Week

September 18, 2014

At one point in time, when the first home computer was released, the majority of consumers thought that the machine was only for really “techy” (or nerdy) people. Fast forward to 2009 and enter MakerBot, another revolutionary product that will forever change the way we design and create objects. Since the introduction of the first 3D Printer, we have seen nearly everything designed with the device – from fashion accessories and game pieces to prosthetic arms and even guns.

3d printing documentary

Print The Legend, which received a SXSW Special Jury Recognition Award for Editing & Storytelling this year, examines the 3D Printing craze and the visionaries spearheading this 21st century manufacturing movement. The movie includes start-ups like MakerBot and Formlabs to industry big leaguers like Stratasys and 3D Systems. The movie also profiles controversial figures like the tech anarchist who released plans for 3D printing guns online last year.

This documentary, which will be released September 26th, will be a glimpse into a game-changing technology that once seemed like a fantasy world of just a few individuals and now is a must-have technology that could potentially enter every home in the future. Our team is excited to check it out. A short trailer of the film is below.

Check back in a couple of weeks and read about our take on the documentary. Until then, check out what we love about our MakerBot here.

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