
BuzzCo Products Featured on

December 17, 2012

This week, BuzzCo is featuring their BuzzBrush® and BuzzCloth™ products on Beyond Design created the graphics for BuzzCo, LLC after researching trends and consumers’ wants and needs. We tested our designs with a variety of users, both old and young, to see what graphics appealed to them most. In the end, we found that the BuzzWeave™ (the blue cloth below) was the most popular among both males and females.

“During holiday crunch time, it’s hard to avoid the cookie crumbs and cocoa that inevitably invade your keyboard. BuzzCo’s innovative products are designed to eliminate crud and protect against future besmirching. These smart cleaning kits are great for techies who—like us!—hold their gadgets dear.”

BuzzCloth™ featured on

It’s a great idea for a stocking stuffer if you’re looking for some last minute ideas! Whether you are a fashionista, peace-lover, or a gamer there is sure to be a cloth to match your personality. You can check out the products on here or on BuzzCo’s website here.

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