Beyond Mentors Next Generation of Designers
Beyond partnered with the Chicago Student Invention Convention, a curriculum-based flexible program implemented in 30+ Chicago schools with a mission to inspire youth innovation, in their mission to create mentorship programs for young students and innovative local companies. Through CSIC we were connected to Mary Gage Peterson Elementary, our neighbor to the north, and an 8th grade class of students eager to learn and explore design techniques and theory.
The students of Peterson explore our products before breaking off into groups of brainstorming sessions.
The CSIC program matches students with STEM, invention, and entrepreneurial professionals and firms (like Beyond Design) who provide coaching and mentorship on their path to the final invention convention on April 7th. Starting in January, Michael Prince and a handful of our designers helped Zulema Sanchez’s 8th grade Science class by leading brainstorming sessions, hosting studio and classroom tours, and offering their critiques and sharing personal experience with the students. It was a great way for the students to be exposed to industry expertise and for Beyond to share their knowledge with the next generation of designers.
Michael Prince reviews students’ ideas as they start to lay the ground work for their inventions.
The Chicago Student Invention Convention’s mission is to inspire curiosity, confidence, invention, and creative problem-solving in our youth and the next generation of designers. As a mentor, Beyond Design was able to expose the students to options in STEM based careers, give feedback on the student inventions, and offer guidance on the entire product development process (a BD specialty). After four months of collaboration and support we could not be more proud of the inventions the students presented at the Convention earliar this month.
Sean Kim, Director of Design and UEX, runs through product development ideas with some of the students during a tour.
Carter Gerard, Industrial Designer, offers constructive criticism to a pair of Peterson students.
Overall, 4 of of the 6 teams placed at the competition. Students Alondra and Jaeden (AutoMop) and Shajia and Fatima (Quickflip) received honorable mention for the 8th grade level. Hiba and Jennifer (EZ Glider) won 3rd place. Ian and Syed Q (SYAN) won 1st place. Students Shajia and Fatima, Hibaand Jennifer, and Ian and Syed will be moving even farther on to the National Invention Convention which will take place in Michigan.
The 8th Grade Science class poses at the Invention Convention this past Saturday.
Thank you to the Chicago Student Invention Convention for giving Beyond the opportunity to mentor and learn from the students! We see a promising future in STEM as it is incorporated into student curriculum and look forward to the designs and inventions from this generation. For more information on CSIC please visit their website and to see more of our work please explore our page here.