An Explanation of Branding, Identity, and Logo Design
At Beyond Design, branding encompasses all aspects of a product, service or business. Through proper branding, including the logo design, identity design, and packaging, we are able to create a personality that identifies a client’s product, service or company and how it relates to their customers, staff, partners, investors, etc.
Currently, we are working with a client on restructuring their corporate image. We have spent a lot of time learning and understanding their company history, values, products and/or services and target audience to ensure the proper message and image is conveyed in our final design solution.
I found an article that explains in more detail what each of these three areas incorporates—branding, logo design, and identity design. It was particularly interesting because throughout our branding process, we incorporate the majority of the elements outlined in this article.
“The fundamental idea and core concept behind having a ‘corporate image’ is that everything a company does, everything it owns and everything it produces should reflect the values and aims of the business as a whole.”
You can check out the full article here.
Written By: Mickey McCann, Industrial Designer