Adidas Releases the First Shoe Made of Ocean Waste
Adidas, a leading brand featuring signature footwear, clothes and accessories, teamed up with Parley for the Oceans – an organization whose goal is to raise awareness about ocean pollution around the world.
Adidas unveiled the world’s first athletic shoe that has been ‘upper made’ from recycled ocean waste and deep-sea gillnets that are illegal to use in our oceans. The net retrieval was a tricky one – as Parley partnered with Sea Shepherd to track a poaching vessel for 110 days off the coast of South Africa.
The bright blue and white shoe is currently just a concept, Adidas has stated that they will be revealing and releasing more products ready for consumer purchase later this year.
Reading this article made us think as to what other designs will be introduced in the future. The green movement and be environmentally consciousness is a big part of the world that we live in today – as making the world a better place. This is an awesome design and a great way for Adidas to market themselves further into the world of fashion and design. To read more on this article, please click here.