
A Recap of the 2013 Purdue Senior Show at Beyond Design

April 16, 2013

On Friday evening, April 5th, Beyond Design hosted Purdue University’s annual senior show. Students from the Industrial Design Department exhibited their portfolios for their classmates, friends, family members, and industry professionals. The night was a celebration for the seniors, allowing them to show off the results of four years of hard work.

To cap off the evening, there was a humorous guessing game (coined the “Mouth Off” competition) where images of somewhat obscure student designs’ were projected onto a screen and participants had to come up with their own interpretation of the products’ function. The participant with the loudest round of applause was named the winner. It was a very entertaining game that stretched the creativity of all participants.

We were impressed with the talent level of the graduating seniors and a big congrats goes out to all of them on their upcoming graduation! Marlen Promann, from Purdue University, was nice enough to share some photos from the event with us (all photos in this post are taken by her). Thanks to all those who had a chance to stop by!

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