
A Creative Way of Paying Respect to Steve Jobs

October 7, 2011

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” —Steve Jobs

Since the passing of Steve Jobs on Wednesday, people all over the world have reacted in their own ways to his death. From paying tribute at Apple stores worldwide, to posting blogs and photos online and speaking out about how he has forever changed their lives.

One of our favorite photos that has been developed since his death is an image that incorporates Jobs’ silhouette into the bite of Apple’s logo—symbolizing both his departure and lingering presence at the core of the company.

It was created by 19-year-old Hong Kong design student Jonathan Mak. “I just wanted it to be a very quiet commemoration. It’s just this quiet realization that Apple is now missing a piece. It’s just kind of implying his absence,” Mak said. (Quote found on Design Taxi)

Photo by Jonathan Mak, design student in Hong Kong.

The photo is simple, yet it says so much.

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