The Buzz About Adobe Deblur
We recently watched a video on the Photoshop Image Deblurring application that Adobe is currently working on. The advances in photo editing are incredible. The sneak takes a blurry image and exposes more detail—essentially making the image unblurry. Jue Wang, senior research scientist at Adobe, presented the sneak to show current and future users what Adobe is exploring for future releases of the software.
The secret behind this deblur technology is having the right algorithm to fix the photo—which is a work in progress for the team behind it all. The early demo definitely leaves audiences in awe, but there is still quite a bit of development left before this feature is incorporated into Photoshop.
The image below shows a before and after of the deblur feature being applied.
“Currently, the most practical use case for the deblur technology we have seen from this prototype is for image forensics – when an investigator needs to deblur an image enough to read some text like a phone number or license plate – but isn’t trying to perfect an image.” — Blog
For example, you can see how well the prototype deblurs the text in the image below.
The new feature looks amazing—we hope to see more of it in the future! You can check out the demonstration below.