Portable, Flexible and Affordable Desk
Standing desks are becoming more incorporated into the work atmosphere, due to the fact that sitting for so long isn’t always the healthiest. Refold, a New Zealand company, has designed a cardboard standing desk that is flexible, portable and completely affordable for an office alternative.
The desk, which is made out of 100% recyclable material, folds up in seconds to a carrying case that can be stored or toted to another locations. The total weight of the desk is about 14 lbs, which makes it very easy to move around multiple times if need be.
The design of the desk easily folds and sloths together in 2 minutes or less, using only four pieces of cardboard. And the best part is, no glue or tape is necessary for assembly. They say it’s sturdy enough to hold someone who stands on it, but we’re not too sure about that. Try at your own risk if you do!
It’s made from 7mm twin cushion kraft cardboard, while each leg is made from 3 pieces of laminated cardboard, togteher with glue that is environmentally friendly. Moreover, if you’re not into standing while working, you can always lower it and sit while typing away on your computer. Want to jazz it up and decorate it, go for it. Paint is an acceptable way to create your own personal design and make it cool.
We’re usually sitting at work, designing and creating. However, this would be an awesome idea that we would love to incorporate into our office someday. To read more on this design, please click here.